Sunday, May 24, 2015

I have a secret!

FET 3-day Embryo Pregnancy Due Date and Fetal Development Calculator

I'm so blessed we got the call from he doctor on Friday at 3:02 and I went home to take a test. I was in shock I couldn't believe it. It's finally happening! We are pregnant. We have our first ultrasound on June 1st. Cant wait to find out to see them!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Silly Little Coincidence

Some silly little coincidence that gives hope! 

My sister came to help me on my transfer day. On the way there she noticed that her shirt was inside out. The superstition is clothes that are worn inside out will bring good luck.

My husband and I went to a book signing and he was given a number (#27) the author chose his number and husband won a book.

The day before transfer, I went shopping at Hobby Lobby and the amount on the receipt was $7.77.

At work they always have contest and I've worked there for over a year and I have never won anything but the week before my ER I won a movie.

I know these sound dumb but I take them as signs.
My sister got 2 egg yolks in 1 egg! 

 7 more days until we find out. We could find out sooner (19th) but I think we are going to wait until my appointment on the 22nd. Staying Positive. Today my legs feel so sore; they hurt.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Here we go!

The wait was awful! We never got a call about how many were fertilized.
I was scared about our small numbers that we retrieved. Total of 8 but I was grateful that we had at least some! Our appointment was at 10:45 and I had a full bladder so I was in pain. They finally took us in at 11:35 to another room where the doctor was going to talk to us. I was freaking out. I was mad because they never gave us a call back so I was really scared that none of them made it. The doctor came in to tell us that 6 had made it. 5 strong ones and 1 smaller one. 

The doctor advised that we should do 2 and thats what we wanted all along. 
After so much waiting we finally have two embryos inside me!
Just praying that they both stick!

I hate flowers.  They are a waste of money because I can never keep them alive enough. But my husband wanted to make it special so he bought me a plant! (what I prefer they live longer) 

My next appointment is on Tuesday the 12 for blood work and then Friday the 22nd is our doctors appointment to see if they sticked! Prayers are welcome! 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


The day finally came! We had our appointment at 9:30am. I had to finalize some paperwork before starting and then I got undressed from the waist down (freaking out right about now). Then the nurse gives me medication and it made me sleepy. The process hurt; I felt every poke and I started to cry. Later my husband came in and stayed there with me. I came back home and fell asleep. Pain. They retrieved 8 eggs. I'm happy that I had more than one but some women have like 28 so I'm feeling nervous.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Last Shots!

Last Shots!

#1 4/30-No pain, can't feel it anymore.
#2 5/1-No pain, can't feel it anymore.
#3 5/2-No pain, can't feel it anymore.
#4 5/3-No pain, can't feel it anymore.
#1 4/30- Pain going in.
#2 5/1 - Pain going in.
#3 5/2 last shot and it hurt the whole time.

Ovidrel- @11pm
No pain I was half asleep when my husband gave me the shot. 

I feel super nervous and excited that this day is finally here.

Friday, May 1, 2015

The Home Stretch

Today was our last appointment before going in for ER on Tuesday. 
My doctor told me to change my last 3 days of medication. The follicles look good; some big and small. 

Friday the 1st- Lupron 10
Menopur 2 vials

Saturday the 2nd- Lupron 10
Menopur 2 vials

Sunday the 3rd- Lupron 10
Ovidrel @11pm

 Monday the 4th- No shots

Tuesday the 5th- 9:30 ER & fresh sperm sample

Friday the 8th- 11:30 ET 

Saturday the 9th- Rest after transfer

I've heard that it helps the embryos stick so here it goes!