Saturday, May 9, 2015

Here we go!

The wait was awful! We never got a call about how many were fertilized.
I was scared about our small numbers that we retrieved. Total of 8 but I was grateful that we had at least some! Our appointment was at 10:45 and I had a full bladder so I was in pain. They finally took us in at 11:35 to another room where the doctor was going to talk to us. I was freaking out. I was mad because they never gave us a call back so I was really scared that none of them made it. The doctor came in to tell us that 6 had made it. 5 strong ones and 1 smaller one. 

The doctor advised that we should do 2 and thats what we wanted all along. 
After so much waiting we finally have two embryos inside me!
Just praying that they both stick!

I hate flowers.  They are a waste of money because I can never keep them alive enough. But my husband wanted to make it special so he bought me a plant! (what I prefer they live longer) 

My next appointment is on Tuesday the 12 for blood work and then Friday the 22nd is our doctors appointment to see if they sticked! Prayers are welcome!